The Power a of Fart

Gas protection

Image by Vojtěch Kučera from Pixabay

Flatulence is simply a part of life. People fart, your dog farts, and cows fart so much it’s caused issues with the ozone layer. This type of air that flows from our nether regions is a mixture of swallowed air and bacterial byproducts that ferment in the intestine. Thanks to a 21% mixture of hydrogen, 7% methane, 9% carbon dioxide, 4% oxygen, and a whopping 59% nitrogen, our bodies produce a gas heavier than air itself. That’s right, fart air is heavier than what you breathe!

This flammable gas…oh wait…flammable?

Did I just say FLAMMABLE?

Have you ever heard references to “light a match” after someone dropped a stinker? That’s because the combination of methane and hydrogen makes the perfect airy cocktail that can unite when combined with oxygen. However, according to Firefighter Insider, while flatulence can be flammable…

it’s not enough to be outright EXPLOSIVE….

well, the fart sound is another story.

Either way, try not to fart over an open flame like your firepit or romantic candle display!

Farts Have Wings

All farts don’t travel at the same speed, but according to How Stuff Works the speed of a fart averages 10 feet (3 meters) per second. A study by AsapScience concludes that fart particles travel 243 meters per second. In other words, your post-burrito gas can move faster than you!

Maybe you should get some new running shoes to break the fart speed record?

It can be hard to determine which direction a fart will go in as they don’t move in a straight line. The moving particles scatter as they bump into one another. 

Based on my own unfortunate experience in a London hostel in the summer of 2022, I have first-hand experience that a fart can certainly travel UP….as in up to your sleeping bunk.

A Sound but Smelly Sleep

Maybe I should give a little grace based on how the body relaxes in sleep. Thanks to how anal muscles relax during our dormant state, it’s easy for gas to escape while you’re counting sheep. So maybe my drunk London dorm mate laid the stinker once he was in the REM state, likely dreaming about his next drink.

What does this have to do with travel? Unfortunately, farts don’t politely wait until your flight lands or determine whether you’re sleeping in a personal hotel suite or a hostel dorm.

As mentioned in Why I Don’t Want to Stay in a Hostel or Guest House Again, during my last hostel stay, the dorm mate in the bed below LOUDLY farted and the scent rose. I must thank him as it was the nail in the coffin it was time to hang up those hostel towels for good and stick with my hotels, Airbnb, and even better, apartment hotels such as those from the Capitalia brand.

Keep Fart Sounds Away

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why do I fart so much, especially when sleeping in a crowded hostel room?” Here are some tips to avoid stinking up your freshly cleaned hotel room or the already tight economy cabin on a plane.

Add Probiotics to the Grocery List

Have you seen those Activia ads with Oscar Winner Jamie Lee Curtis? I love those yogurts, especially the mixed berry. Luckily, any yogurt is one of the best sources of probiotics. 

Probiotics are defined as live microorganisms you consume that have beneficial effects on the gut. People mostly use them for gut issues like digestion and flatulence. According to the Cleveland Clinic,  they can also reduce inflammation and boost your immune system.

For something drinkable, go for some kefir, which is a fermented probiotic milk drink. It’s produced by adding kefir grains to milk. Benefits ranging from fighting infections and improved bone health are associated with regular consumption of kefir.

If you’ve ever eaten Korean food, you’ve likely had some kimchi. Often a side dish, it mostly consists of fermented cabbage with other spices.

Consider Supplements

While no one supplement can prevent flatulence, some may help reduce gas production significantly. You may have seen advertisements for Beano, which is a supplement that helps break down nutrients such as fiber.

Has your neighborhood store run out of your favorite brand of yogurt? You can also buy probiotic supplements to take daily as well.

Eat Early Enough Before Bed

When you’re on vacation, you may eat later than normal. However, if you’re staying in a shared situation such as a tight dorm space, be mindful of how you’re drinking, and eating habits may affect your dorm mates. After all, people have different sleeping schedules, and they may be close to waking up if you’re coming in late at 5 am. 

Try to have that final meal a few hours before you go to sleep. It’s a mindful, healthy tactic whether you’re in the comfort of your own home or off to an exotic location, Giving your food enough time to digest can help reduce the occurrence of night time gas.

Watch Gassy Foods

It’s too bad that some of our most healthy foods may naturally have loads of gas to go with their fiber content. A diet rich in cabbage, broccoli, lentils, and onions is healthy, just be mindful of how late you eat these types of foods. Don’t let me get started on asparagus which can affect the smell of other things coming out the body. 

Cut Back on Gum Chewing

If you plan on visiting a country like Singapore, you won’t have a choice but to cut down or not chew gum at all. However, to prevent a collection of gas, it’s useful to cut down on this habit, as you’ll tend to swallow far more air than those who don’t constantly chew gum. That air will collect and will later come out on the other side.

Chew Your Food Well

Your teeth serve a purpose beyond smiling for Instagram photos for your travel feed. The main purpose of your teeth is to properly bite, chew, and grind your food, so always chew each bite thoroughly before you swallow it. The better you chew your food, the better you’ll digest it. Proper digestion can help reduce smelly accidents when people are around.

As you can see, farts are a part of life, whether you’re doing your day-to-day duties, are on vacation, or live the life of a digital nomad. However, with the right steps, hopefully, you can do what you can to prevent flatulence from occurring chronically or at the wrong time. Remember, you’re not the only one in the world who’s likely dropping a fart bomb. However, when and how you do so can make a difference in whether you end up spraying someone else or giving fuel to an open flame.

Stay safe, have fun, and enjoy your broccoli, just not late at night. Don’t forget to read more about some other things that can be offputting when sharing a space with strangers at Why I Don’t Want to Stay in a Hostel or Guest House Again.

With love, the Superglad Nomad.

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